A Christmas Cantare 2023 - DANCERS WANTED!

(All places have been filled up. Thank you for your interest!)

Sun 24 Dec 2023, 11pm (before the Christmas Midnight Mass)

The Christmas Cantare will be back at St Mary's this year and this time with dance performances as well! We welcome all children 6 years & above and youth to be a part of this night of songs, music and dance.

Dancers Wanted!: Regardless of gender, dance experience and ability, you are invited to join us! Training by a dance instructor will be provided. Weekly practices will start from early November.

Training Schedule: Weekly practices starting in early November.
Nov 3, 10, 17 (Fridays) & Dec 13 (Wed), 15 (Fri), 20 (Wed), from 4pm to 8pm, @ St Clare Hall

For enquiries, contact Chris Pereira at 82562958.

📝 Don't miss this chance to be a part of this magical event! To sign up, visit bit.ly/cantare23 to register your interest.


THANK YOU for your Participation!


October Mass Announcements