Offices & Ministries
Introducing the OFFICES at St Mary's
To better synergise and integrate the efforts of individual ministries in St Mary’s, we’ve organised ourselves into main operational groups or “Offices”, which helps us to move away from a silo mentality and instead come together to foster a greater communion with one another, thus forming ONE body of Christ to realise our Parish's vision and mission.
Each Office is driven by lay facilitators and guided by the Parish friars. While the organisation of the Groups is still ongoing, we pray that parishioners will volunteer to fill the various roles needed.
To check which Office our ministries and groups belong to, visit our MINISTRY DIRECTORY.
The Liturgy & Prayer Office comprises ministries that provide the support and guidance in church liturgy and worship, such as the Choir, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers. It also consists of groups that provide spiritual support and prayer.
The Faith & Evangelisation Office provides catechesis for all facets in the parish: our children, youth, adults, and those searching or interested in the Catholic faith, as well as re-igniting and sustaining the faith of our parishioners.
The Hospitality & Community Office provides operational support and assistance so that the church services can function smoothly and safely. Also included in this Office are the numerous groups that serve the needs of specific language or neighbourhood communities.
The Outreach Office is the HEART of the Parish, reaching out to and supporting individuals and families - be it financial, social or psychological - through various programmes and initiatives.
The Youth & Young Adults Office is made up of youth groups that act on their charisms and mission to provide help to the community wherever they can. These groups are guided and formed by adult and Friar formators.
The Digital & Communications Office connects and facilitates communication across the Offices, Groups and Ministries, as well as provides digital support to Parish services & programmes, as well as to ministries to reach out to their members and the community.