Love Offering
Welcome to Parish Giving, where every love offering is deeply appreciated.
Sharing what you have is a tradition of the Catholic Church and your giving matters now more than ever. Your decision to give is a meaningful way of enabling St Mary’s to be united as one body, to make Jesus real in our community. At St Mary’s, we have three types of donation purpose. Please indicate the purpose to which you wish to donate to when making your contribution:
General Church Offering: This donation contributes to the overall support of church expenses and its activities.
Church Maintenance Fund: This donation is for the overall upkeeping of the church building and the maintenance of its facilities.
Poor and Needy Fund: By donating to this fund, you enable our parish to respond quickly to those in genuine or urgent need.
Launch PayNow (through your bank app or Google Pay)
Enter UEN T08CC4053H (T-zero-eight-CC-four-zero-five-three-H). For Poor & Needy Fund see step 6.
Check that the name of the church is "Church of St Mary of the Angels"
Key in amount that you wish to donate
Under Transfer Details, indicate your Purpose of Donation (select one):
General Church Offering
Church Maintenance Fund
To donate to the Poor & Needy Fund, enter UEN T08CC4053HRSM (T-zero-eight-CC-four-zero-five-three-HRSM) and continue with steps 3 & 4.
(NEW! From 2 Dec 2023)
NETS or Credit Card
NEW - You now have another convenient option to make your contributions … simply Tap and Give to St Mary’s (UEN T08CC4053H) via NETS or Credit Card. Two NETS terminals will be made available near the church entrances before and after the weekend Masses. Our hospitality team will also be present if you need any assistance.
Enter the amount you wish to donate (including cents).
For NETS, select ✔. For Credit Cards, select Other Payment, followed by Credit Cards.
Tap or insert your card (and enter your PIN if required), and wait for approval.
NETS: For amounts $100 & above, PIN is required.
Credit Cards: For amounts $200 & above, card must be inserted. Amount must be below each individual’s card limit.No receipt will be printed to minimise paper waste. Please check your bank transactions to verify, if necessary. Thank you for your understanding.
The donation will be channelled to St Mary of the Angels. At the moment it is not possible to donate to the the Poor & Needy Fund using this method.
For any cash donations, please do so in person at the Parish Reception Office, Level 3.
Please DO NOT mail any cash to the Church.
Issue cheque to “Church of St Mary of the Angels”.
Indicate at the back of the cheque:
Name of donor
Contact number
Address (if receipt is required)
Indicate your Purpose of Donation (select one):
General Church Offering
Church Maintenance Fund
Poor and Needy Fund
Bank Transfers
Only fill this form up if you wish to use bank transfers to donate one time or as a regular donation. We will be contacting you with the relevant instructions and account information.