Youth & Young Adults
The Youth & Young Adults Office is made up of youth, young adults and youth ministries with the aim to promote kinship, fellowship and a sense of belonging among the youth community at St Mary’s, while growing their love and faith in Christ. Should you be a young person wishing to join any of the youth ministries below, please message @youths_stmary at Telegram or email us at youths.stmary@catholic.org.sg.
Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Welcome to a snapshot of the love of God in each and every young person here in St Mary of the Angels. Praise God for all He has done for St Mary’s; more so for each and everyone of you that has encountered Christ through the Youth & Young Adults Office. To parents, friends, and especially you, the youth and young adults, it is my deepest pleasure to show the fruits of Christ’s love on your lives, all because you have allowed Him to do so! And for you who are reading this message, may you come and seek Christ with open hearts; we are ready to welcome YOU with open arms!
Peace and All Good,
Darrel Ang, Youth & Young Adults Coordinator
Youth Communities
Youth Discipleship Journey (YDJ)
For Youths 15 to 20 years
“Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” - St Augustine
Are you searching for a community of faith? Look no further! Come and take the leap and join our community the Lord is calling HIS BELOVED CHILD to come bask in His warm never ending love and grow in faith with brothers and sisters in Christ. Join us every Saturday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at the Youth Loft!
Visit tinyurl.com/come-for-ydj to sign up.
For Young Adults above 21 years
“You have ravished my heart, my sister, my bride, you have ravished my heart with a glance of your eyes,” — Song of Solomon 4:9
Ravished is a campfire where young adults huddle to see each other through our new adventures into adulthood. We seek to grow deeper in love with Christ and, as a result, in realisation of our infinite belovedness. We meet every Sunday, 2:30pm to 4:30pm at the Youth Loft for formation, prayer and fellowship.
Come experience the pursuing, relentless love of the Lord together!
Visit tinyurl.com/stmaryravished to sign up.
Youth Ministries
New Wineskins
“No one sews a piece of unshrunken cloth on an old cloak. If he does, its fullness pulls away, the new from the old, and the tear gets worse. Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the skins are ruined. Rather, new wine is poured into fresh wineskins.” - Matthew 9:16-17
New Wineskins is the youth music ministry of St Mary of the Angels. We are a Christ-centered ministry and our mission is to lead others to God through our music. We serve in retreats and other music-related activities, particularly in praise and worship. Our sessions are usually held on Saturdays from 4-6pm at Room 11. If you play the keyboard/ guitar/cajon or love to sing and would like to offer your gifts to the Lord, come and join us!
Visit tinyurl.com/nwsstmary to sign up.
Knights of the Altar (KOTA)
To Serve As Christ Did: Servitium, Fraternitas, Sacrificium!
Knights of the Altar (KOTA) is a liturgical ministry comprising over 80 active altar servers of boys aged between 9 to 20+ years old where we aim to foster friendship and spiritual growth in Christ through our sessions and service activities. Our servers serve at our regular Sunday masses, as well as in liturgical celebrations, from weddings to Holy Week, and Feast Day masses.
Besides serving at the altar, our servers also participate in many activities organised by the Executive Committee of KOTA. Training is usually held on Sundays, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Come join us now and grow with Christ through Service, Brotherhood and Sacrifice!