Coaching & Counselling
Need a listening ear? Going through tough and confusing times? Having a crisis or difficulty or simply feeling lost? We are here to help you and journey with you through your difficulties. Some of the issues can include common encounters that come with age development, school or work-related issues, relationship difficulties, family dynamics, sexuality, marital conflict, loss of a loved one or sometimes just a desire to change the unhappy way things are going right now. Our counsellors are professionally trained and certified; and our sessions are kept private.
Please contact us at outreach.stmary@catholic.org.sg, or leave a message with your name and number at 6567-3866. For minors below 18 years of age, parental consent is needed. A fee of $50.00 per session is charged.
You may also complete the registration form and email it to outreach.stmary@catholic.org.sg
The Counselling Ministry was set up in 2006 as an additional and necessary arm to existing pastoral care services.
It provides professional counselling in a supportive and confidential environment and whose basic purpose is to journey with people who at this time, may need a listening ear, clarification on current personal situations, a chance to talk out anxieties and discontentment with life or just simply feel confused and overwhelmed. Counselling helps them use their own problem-solving and coping skills more effectively to arrive at suitable goals and decisions that they really want. Issues can include common ones that come with age development, school or work related issues, relationship difficulties, family dynamics, sexuality, marital conflict, loss of a loved one and sometimes just a desire to change the unhappy way things are going right now. Our counsellors are professionally trained and certified; and our sessions are kept private.