My Personal Compass 2023 (Module 3: Christian Morality)

by Rev Fr David Garcia, O.P.

In today's marketplace of ideas, there are many different moralities, and we are often asked to keep what we believe to ourselves. But is Christian morality meant to be kept private within Christian communities? What is Christian morality anyway?

Join us at CANA as we explore why Christian morality may be the answer to the wounded human nature and the role of God's grace. We will also consider why the Church has always put so much emphasis on faith, hope and love.

Dates: 25 May to 13 July (excluding 29 June)
Time: 7.30pm 
Venue: CANA at Catholic Centre

To register:

For enquiries, please email Caritas Singapore at


OYP Outreach for Secondary 4 & 5 Students | Living Joy


Charities Week 2023