Charities Week 2023

4 Mar to 14 May 2023

Please support and donate generously towards Charities Week 2023, an Archdiocesan annual fundraising project. Proceeds will enable Caritas Singapore and many Catholic organisations under its umbrella to continue their work in reaching out to those in need. These include the poor, families, youth and children, prisoners, migrant workers, persons with HIV/AIDS, persons with physical challenges, persons with mental health conditions, and overseas humanitarian aid.

Let’s all rise as one.

If you have not yet donated this Lent, it’s not too late! Pick up an appeal envelope and donate with a big heart to let the light of God’s love shine through us. You can mail your donation directly to Caritas Singapore (for cheques only) or drop them at church. You can also scan the QR code or visit to donate online.


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