Individual Guided Retreat

Organised by Montfort Centre 

Montfortian Experience: Individual Guided Retreat (Wisdom at the Well)
“Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well.” (John 4:6)

Come…You who are tired and overburdened.
Come…You who are longing and thirsting.
Come…And you will discover the spring of living water deep within.

God resides in us more than anywhere else, in our hearts we must seek Him. It is there God reveals himself. Come away to a quiet place, sit with the Lord in this silent Individual Guided Retreat and be accompanied tenderly in the Montfortian Way.

Date: 8-11 August 2024 (Stay-in Retreat)
Venue: Montfort Centre
Register at:

Individual Guided Retreat is a silent retreat with one-on-one spiritual direction. You will meet regularly with a spiritual director, who will help give direction for your retreat based on what you need. The director will listen with you to what God is saying, support you in responding faithfully, and give you further guidance as needed.


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