Safety at St Mary’s

We care for your safety and wellbeing here at St Mary’s.

Safety & Security

Our Parish Emergency Response Team here at St Mary’s is made up of dedicated volunteers and staff who have been trained in basic security and managing any security risks or incidences.

We work closely with the authorities in the Singapore Police Force, Singapore Civil Defence Force, as well as follow the directives of the Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth.

To further safeguard our minors, seniors and those vulnerable in our community, we have protocols in place for their safety. Our CCTV systems enable round-the-clock surveillance and these recordings will be vital to any investigations of incidences or occurring on our parish grounds.

While these measures are in place, safety and security is a shared responsibility and we need everyone to be vigilant. If you notice anyone behaving suspiciously or has left a bag unattended, you can do your part by alerting our Hospitality Ministers or Parish Friars and note any details of the person or situation (see the images below). Together we can keep our community at St Mary’s safe and secure.

Personal Data Protection and Privacy

To allow us to ensure the safety of all present, we seek your understanding that by entering the grounds of the Franciscan campus and the Church of St Mary of the Angels, your images will be captured in video by our CCTV cameras placed throughout the property.

We also celebrate all our parish events with photographs captured by our communications and media ministries. If you have any personal privacy concerns, please drop us an email to the Data Protection Officer ( or visit for more information.

Online Safety and Scam Prevention

We are aware there have been emails circulating which impersonate our Friars, and are attempts to get donations to personal accounts.

Please be aware that the Friars do not solicit donations for the parish via email, SMS or WhatsApp messages.

We also welcome all donations to the parish via our church UEN listed at

Should you be in doubt, please do call our parish office at 6567 3866 or email us at to clarify.

There has also been a series of WhatsApp scam incidents where a known contact (whose WhatsApp account has been compromised) asks for a 6 digit pin being sent to the victim’s mobile phone. The moment the pin is shared, the victim loses access to their own WhatsApp account.

Please do not share any security PIN or passwords. If in doubt, call the person and verify the identity of the caller.

We know scammers are targeting members of our congregation who are not tech savvy and not vigilant. Please do not fall prey to these scam tactics.

We will publish more updates periodically and share with parishioners how to safeguard their personal and online safety.


Wanted: Operations & Safety Officer

St Mary’s is looking for an individual with the relevant qualifications and capabilities to oversee the regular daily and weekly operations of the Parish in the areas of Safety & Security, in particular, fire safety, ensuring the health and wellbeing of parishioners and ensuring security on the grounds.

For full details of Job Responsibilities and Requirements, and how you can apply, please click below:

Closing date for applications: 29 March 2025


Accurate as of 23 Dec 2022

No Standing Rule

Due to the recent amendments to the Fire Safety Act that are also applicable to Religious places of Worship, we are required to keep all walkways and corridors free. In addition, we have to adhere to rules on overcrowding in terms of seating capacity. 

We therefore seek your kind understanding by following the guidance of our Hospitality team in filling up the centre seats.

If you would like to volunteer for our Parish Emergency Response Team safeguarding the safety and security of our community, please email
If you have any urgent queries on safety issues within the church grounds, contact Johnny at 97526802.