
"Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty thoughout the land to all its inhabitants.
It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family property and to your own clan."

- Leviticus 25:10


Choose to LIVE Jubilee

This Jubilee year, choose to live a life of impact
– pray for or help someone in need in our community.

Be ready to GIVE Jubilee

It’s not just financial, but of your time and talents too!
Together we can lift up those in need.

Blessed to RECEIVE Jubilee

Be ready to receive the blessings from God,
in a practical, life giving way! Help is on the way.


An Outreach Project by Church of St Mary of the Angels

From 31 May to 4 October 2020, all donations to the Poor & Needy Fund were channelled to the Jubilee Solidarity Fund.
Here's what the Jubilee Solidarity Fund is all about:


Target number of Families
to be served


Days to reach Target funding


Estimated funds per family


Families helped to date

Who does the Jubilee Solidarity Fund serve?

Eligibility Criteria

Loss of at least 10% income in 2020. Households with less than $5,000/month gross income or average income per family member is below $1730 during this COVID period.


New needs have emerged from the COVID-19 Pandemic. These are persons affected by job and income loss, illness or unforeseen circumstances due to circuit breaker measures. Some may not qualify for other funding schemes.


Sometimes families need more than financial help, that's where our growing team of volunteers can help you. Speak to us today. We have a professional team of volunteers ready to serve.

 Jubilee Solidarity Fund Application Process

JSF Applc process.jpg

Taking the first step forward

Receive the blessings from our community, for your family.

  1. Apply for the JSF with Necessary Documents

  2. Assessment by Social Workers & Volunteer Team

  3. Checks and Endorsement by Parish Office

  4. Funds can be disbursed in as little as 7 days after application.

Leading the Charge

Life presents new opportunities to help others…

Meet Nicholas and Geraldine, a couple who have been working tirelessly to setup the Jubilee Solidarity fund and organise the volunteers who will be serving the “new poor” in our community. Listen to their story and take up the invitation to serve the face of Christ in our community, in the way we LIVE, GIVE and RECEIVE Jubilee this year.

The New Outreach Office for the Poor

  • St Vincent de Paul (SVDP)

    Serving the poor & needy

  • Milk & Diaper Programme

    with Fei Yue FSC

  • Night Mission

    Homeless Shelter

  • Coaching & Counselling

    Professional Guidance

  • Extraordinary Services

    Helpful & Essential Services

  • JSF Project Team

    Planning & Coordination

Hear from our Parish Outreach Team


You are invited to be a part of the family,
returning “to his property and to his clan” (Leviticus 25:10),
to understand that this is a call to return to the heart of God,
and to life in His kingdom.

Friar Michael D'Cruz
Parish Priest | Church of St Mary of the Angels


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest."

Join us in the new Outreach Office of the church
to reach out to those in need.
Thank you for your love and generosity.

Nicholas & Gerry
Volunteer Coordinators | Outreach Office