You have requested to be signed up for the NEXT Welcome Workshop!

Thank you for registering for the Welcome Workshop as part of our Pentecost campaign
"Be a Part of the Welcome at St Mary's." A big Thank You from the parish for responding to this call to participate!

As we have just run our first inaugural Welcome Workshop for the very first time, we did not know what to expect. The response was overwhelming!

We had over 200 signups to the workshop and over 100 new and existing ministry members join us on
Sat 1 July 9am to 1pm. 

Over 100 parishioners at St Mary’s turned up for our first Welcome Workshop on 1 July 2023 - We had a wonderful workshop and sharing session!

If you could, please join us on Sat 22 July 9am to 1pm as we really do not know when the next Welcome Workshop will be.

These are the Ministry breakout sessions with the
Hospitality / Sacraments / New to Catholic Faith (RCIA) Welcome team (Choose 1 of the above)

Within our Ministry of Hospitality we also have sub-ministries that you can join in the breakout rooms:

  • Hospitality Ministers (Masses)

  • Hospitality Ministers (Sacraments & Special Events)

  • Carpark Marshals

  • Security & Emergency Response

  • Church Tours

We have also catered Lunch for you as part of the programme which will end at 1pm. We encourage you to stay for it to fully experience the fellowship with our ministry members & community.


Please send us an email at or send us a Whatsapp message and we can take note of any of your requests.

As our welcome workshops are our primary way to reach out to as many new and willing volunteers as possible, give us some time to get back to you regards to understanding your needs and how we can help you get started in serving at St Mary’s.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Welcome Workshop! We will be in touch soon.

Thank you and God bless.

Hospitality & Community Office

Church of St Mary of the Angels, Singapore

Whatsapp for Welcome Workshop: +65 85087877

PS. If you wish to make a love offering to defray our costs of organising the workshop, please do follow the instructions at https:/

From a warm smile and a friendly greeting, helping families in the sacraments of Baptism, Weddings or even Funerals, or welcoming someone to the Catholic faith, we need you!

You can be a part of the welcome at St Mary’s. Simply sign up for our Welcome Workshop below (either 1 July or 22 July) where you will learn more and discover how to share your presence & talents!

💖Share Your Time 💖Share Your Story 💖Share Your Joy