Advent 2022
Preparing to Celebrate the Gift
As we prepare to receive the wonderful Gift of our Father this Christmas, let us use this season of Advent to deepen our relationship with Him. Use the resources collated below to help you and your family in your liturgical and spiritual preparation. This page will be updated regularly as we include more content, so do check back for the latest updates.
Advent Resources
Advent to Christmas Reflection Booklet (O.N.E)
Make this Advent season a time of deep reflection using this resource from the Office of the New Evangelisation. Gather with family and friends, parish ministries or neighbourhood Christian communities to pray, listen to the Word of God, reflect and share. It may also be used for individual reflection. Download the booklet.
Daily Reflections with St Francis for Advent
Use this resource during the season of Advent for personal daily input and prayerful reflection, coupled with a dose of Franciscan spirituality and flavour.
(Credit: Franciscan Media. Do consider making a donation if you have benefitted from this resource.)
Weekly Advent Reflection Videos
Reflection videos will be added weekly on weekends during Advent.
1st Sunday of Advent : HOPE
2nd Sunday of Advent: PEACE
3rd Sunday of Advent: JOY
4th Sunday of Advent: LOVE
Jesse Tree (28 Nov - 24 Dec)
Jesse Tree Ornaments
The Jesse Tree is an old tradition depicting the relationship of Jesus with Jesse and other biblical figures who were the ancestors of Jesus. Make your own ornaments for this tree and understand what each mean from these videos.
You can also click the images below to watch the corresponding Jesse Tree video:
O Antiphons (17 - 23 Dec)
As we approach the last seven days to Christmas, we pray the “O Antiphons”, reflecting on the titles given to the Messiah from the book of Isaiah.
Advent Sunday and Christmas Masses
We will be having online Advent & Christmas Masses for those who are unable to attend in-person Masses. Links will be provided here.
1st Sunday of Advent
27 November 2022
2nd Sunday of Advent
4 December 2022
3rd Sunday of Advent
11 December 2022
4th Sunday of Advent
18 December 2022