Celebrating the Mercy of the Cross - Holy Mass with Anointing

*Registration for the Anointing and Lunch Reception is now CLOSED. However All are welcome to attend the Mass.

Celebrating the Mercy of the Cross with our Elderly & Sick - Holy Mass - Holy Mass with Anointing

St Francis of Assisi, in his desire to extend God's mercy to the sick and those who felt cut off and excluded, embraced a leper despite his fear of leprosy, but found himself being transformed instead. And just as Jesus sacrifices himself for our sake on the cross, we pray the elderly and sick among us will find meaning and consolation as they embrace the crosses of their pain, loneliness and strife.

As part of our parish Feast Day celebrations, where we remember God's mercy poured out to us through the Portiuncula Indulgence, the parish would like to unite with our sick and elderly, to extend the immense goodness and mercy of God through this celebration of Holy Mass with Anointing at the Main Church, followed by a lunch reception.

Thursday 27 July 2023, 10.00am - 1230pm

If you (or other family members) would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at this special mass, please scan the QR code or visit the link to fill up this interest form, and you will be contacted soon. Please register by 23 Jul.


Learn more about our Feast Day here: stmary.sg/feastday


Sequela Christi 2023


Church of Our Lady of Lourdes Fundraiser