2023 COMMA Theatre Production

by the Franciscan Friars in Formation


Fri 4, 5 & 6 Aug, 7pm
(Update: 5 Aug is Fully Booked. There will be an additional show on Sun, 6 Aug)
St Clare Hall, St Mary of the Angels
Free Admission (2 hours, with intermission)

The Franciscan Friars in Formation (FIF) presents a weekend of soul-provoking theatre production that will compel you to ask – what is the importance of COMMA in my life? Three punctuated friends in search of a hiatus find themselves confronting their denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. 

An original piece co-written and directed by Chrishirl Campos, and produced by the FIF, this is a story that celebrates our hidden struggles and aspirations in the presence of the divine stillness. COMMA is a soul-provoking show that challenges each of us to examine how we have punctuated our life in search of true happiness. 

The FIF invites you to join us in the celebration of the gift of life and vocation. 

Free admission with a recommended donation of $30. Invite a friend along and come join us in this time of celebration.

Reservation required: https://bit.ly/COMMA2023


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