Enduring Covenant: Music, Prayer & Praise Event

(Thank you for your support! Registration is closed. Admission is strictly for registered participants only. See you there!)

永恒之约 音乐祈祷会

Organised by the Mandarin Community

In anticipation of the Advent season and in preparation to welcome the birth of baby Jesus, the Mandarin Choir - Angelic Voice - will be hosting this special musical event. May every note become an infinite praise to God! As we sing and pray with all our hearts, may God’s grace fill us in all we do, and His love flow abundantly through us.

为预备好心灵,进入将临期及迎接圣婴耶稣的降生。 2023年11月25日星期六,由新加坡天使之后堂的 华语歌咏团 “天使之声Angelic Voice” 主办音乐祈祷。 让我们献出每个音符,把它化为亘古誓约, 如祢所愿,善颂善祷,爱的泉源,永流不息。

Date: Sat 25 Nov 2023
Time: 11am to 2pm
Venue: Gubbio (Level 1)



Movie Screening: Lifemark


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