Father's Day Celebration

A Time to Lepak, Laugh, Learn and Live
In today's ever-changing world, the role of fatherhood has become increasingly challenging. 

To celebrate this Father's Day, Br Marcus would like to invite all fathers and expectant fathers to two Friday evenings of fellowship, drinks and prayer, where we will celebrate the gift of Fatherhood and explore what it means to be a Christian Father in this day and age. Come as you are! 

Time: 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Venue: Gubbio

• Fri 23 June
Fatherhood: Joys. Challenges. Gift.

• Fri 30 June
Rediscovering our Sonship in God our Father

Registration Closes: Wednesday 21 June 2023. 

Register at: https://tinyurl.com/fatherslepak


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