The Creed Roundup & Announcement of Online Quiz Winners

Organised by the Little Rock Bible Ministry over three Friday evenings from 20 May to 3 June, The Creed program was held to lead the parish into Pentecost where we are called to proclaim what we truly believe as professed in the Creed!

Over 300 participants attended each talk, listening earnestly and learning from our parish friars - Friar Mike, Gerard and Esmond, as they took turns to break down the meaning behind the Nicene Creed, supported by videos from Bishop Robert Barron's study programme. All participants were given a limited-edition The Creed fridge magnet souvenir.

An accompanying exhibition on the history and development of the Creed was also held at the piazza.

Online Quiz Winners
Thank you for all who participated in The Creed online quiz!

Congratulations to our 22 winners who answered all the 10 questions correctly & responded to the reflection question. All winners have been notified via email and may collect their prizes at the Reception Office starting this weekend, 25-26 June.

For more information & list of winners, please visit


Friday’s Catch - 22 July


New Broadcast Time for Online Mass