AIRDECS Interreligious Panel
By Archdiocesan Interreligious Dialogue and Ecumenism Centre of Singapore (AIRDECS)
Date & Time: Wed 17 July 2024, 7.45pm
Venue: Catholic Centre, Level 3
Topic: “Why Interreligious Dialogue"
Admission: FREE. Registration is required by 14 July using the QR code on the poster or click HERE.
Why is it crucial for Buddhists, Hindus and Catholics to engage in interreligious dialogue with those who do not share the same faith?
What and where are these foundations to be found in their sacred scriptures/texts and/or official documents?
How have exemplars of their respective faiths lived this out in their lives?
All are welcome to join for an enriching evening of dialogue with distinguished speakers:
- Venerable Adhibalo (Phra Goh), Religious Advisor, Buddhist Youth Network
- Swami Samachittananda, President, Ramakrishna Mission, Singapore
- Mr Gerald Kong, Executive Secretary, AIRDECS
For details, visit: