A Leader's Spirituality

Organised by Catholic Leadership Centre

A foundational course that addresses the question, “How can I be an authentic and spiritually fruitful leader for Christ?” It will help you to encounter Jesus Christ in the practical struggles of leadership, beyond a mere intellectual understanding of faith.

This course consists of a series of pre-recorded video sessions that may be viewed in your own time, either by yourself or in a small group of your family, friends or community (self-facilitated). There are also journal worksheet exercises, a Q&A archive from previous live Zoom sessions and curated resources for your follow-up reflection, praxis and spiritual deepening.

Date: From 18 Aug 2023 via online training
Cost: $100 per pax inclusive of GST

To learn more or to register for the above programme: www.catholicleader.sg


Golden Jubilee Mass and Blessing


Catholyst Conference 2023