A Closer Walk With You: A Charity Walk With Family, For Families (A virtual walk by Catholic Family Life)

Open to all individuals and families, here is your chance to put your devices down, and spend time to bond as a family.

Join our Virtual Charity Walk for Family Bonding, while helping to fund more parenting and educational talks, counselling support and other initiatives by CFL to build strong families.

Dates: 1 June – 30 June 2023
Venue: Anywhere, It’s Virtual!

What is a virtual walk?
You'll be able to walk at your own pace, at your own time together with friends and family. The distance you walk and funds raised will be tracked! It's fun!

Watch video: https://youtu.be/jwyZmzI5A9M

To sign up and learn more, go to bit.ly/CFLwalk2023


Abundant and Better Life Abroad (AbBA) Programme for Migrants


Final Appeal for Charities Week 2023