Catholic Leadership Centre: Upcoming Programmes

Organised by Catholic Leadership Centre

1) Companions

As baptised followers of Jesus, we are all called to accompany one another in our journey towards holiness. Experience a taster of what it means to be walked with and to walk alongside another within a mutually enriching relationship, each supporting the other to grow in faith and holiness together.

Dates: 12 Apr & 17 May 2025 (2-part workshop)
Venue: Agape Village
Cost: $60 per pax 

2) Heart-to-Heart Conversations

Do you desire to be a better leader or a better companion in journeying with others? Start with being a better listener as listening is the foundation of accompaniment.  This Listening Recollection provides participants a sacred time and safe space to reflect silently and listen to God in His Word. Thereafter they are invited to listen to one another without judgment and receive the gift of being listened to with undivided attention, within small groups.  

Date: Either 5 Apr OR 3 May 2025 
Venue: Kingsmead Centre
Cost: $100/ per pax including GST & lunch  

To register or find out more for both courses, go to


Charities Week 2025


Hearts for the Lord Retreat