Divorce, Separation & Annulment Symposium

Understanding the Church’s Teachings on Divorce, Separation and Annulment

Organised by Catholic Divorce Support Group (CDSG)

The Catholic Divorce Support Group (CDSG) will be organising the annual Divorce, Separation and Annulment (DSA) Symposium in November. This symposium aims to guide Catholics who have gone through a Civil Divorce and separation on how to continue their life journey in a way that keeps them in full communion with the Church. It will also help participants gain an insight into the complexity of the issues related to divorce, separation and annulment.

Dates: (Thursdays) 9 November (Part 1) & 23 November 2023 (Part 2)
Time: 8pm - 10pm (via zoom)
Presenter: Father Terence Pereira
Who should attend: All Ministry Members and Catholics regardless of marital status
Cost: FREE (Love offerings are welcome)

Register at http://bit.ly/3Llrn5c



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