Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day Mass

by Pregnancy Crisis & Support, a service of Catholic Family Life

Our Lady of Guadalupe: Honouring the Patroness of Unborn Children

We invite all to come celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe:

Date: Thu 12 Dec
Pro-life Rosary: 5.30pm | Mass: 6.30pm
Venue: Cathedral of the Good Shepherd

The celebration will begin with Pro-life Rosary at 5.30pm followed by the Eucharistic Celebration at 6.30pm. There will be a Healing Prayer and Blessing of Pregnant Women after the Mass.

“Each child has a place in God’s heart from all eternity; once he or she is conceived, the Creator’s eternal dream comes true.” - Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for us!


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