An Ignatian Retreat

An Ignatian Retreat: 5-days or 7-days silent retreat in Hong Kong
Organised by Sister Cecily Pavri and Jacinta Teo

Experience a personal silent retreat, tailored to your individual journey, featuring daily spiritual guidance, Mass and Eucharistic adoration. Nestled on a tranquil hilltop, far from the bustle of urban life, this retreat invites you to come as you are and connect with the Lord. Facilitated by spiritual directors trained in Ignatian spiritual guidance.

Venue: Xavier House (Cheung Chau, Hong Kong)

7-days retreat: 29 Aug to 6 Sep
Cost: S$820

5-days retreat: 31 Aug to 6 Sep
Cost: S$650

Cost includes accommodation and all meals.

Register at:

For any queries, email at


2024 Lenten Reflection Booklet


Talk on Easter Vigil