Live the Gospel in the World Retreat

Live the Gospel in the World Retreat with Fr David Garcia, OP
Organised by Caritas Singapore

Jesus calls us to live our faith intentionally as disciples. Join us as we listen, pray and share how the Church's social teachings, drawn from the Gospel, can help us become better versions of ourselves and contribute to building communities.

Part 1
Dates: 2 (Sat) & 3 (Sun) Mar
Time: 9am to 6pm
Venue: Kingsmead Hall

Part 2
Date: Sat 9 Mar
Time:10am to 3pm
Venue: CANA at Catholic Centre

Fee: $70

Come and see how we can jump into life and build God’s kingdom here on earth together!

To register, please visit our website at

For enquiries, please email Caritas Singapore at


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