A Merry Beary Franciscan Christmas
Have a Merry Beary Christmas, Everyone!
Beary Special Gifts for Sale!
(The Sale is now Closed. Thank you for your support!)
This Advent, the St Mary’s Beary Franciscan Christmas Sale Team from the Hospitality & Community Office have been working doubly hard to procure a range of special and unique gifts for you! Proceeds from the sales will go to our Church Maintenance Fund, which is required to keep our church grounds running for the benefit of all parishioners.
Browse through the catalogue of items in this page and click on the link below to place your orders using the form. Collection dates & times are as follows:
11 & 12 Dec | 18 & 19 Dec
(Saturdays: 3 - 8pm | Sundays: 8am - 1pm)
Your orders will be confirmed via Email or mobile message within 48hrs upon your submission. For enquiries, please email connect.stmary@catholic.org.sg.
Complimentary Latte & Cookies! (Cancelled)
(We regret to inform everyone that Friar’s Brew’s coffee machine has broken down and therefore unable to dispense any coffee. 😭 We’re so sorry about this!)
Our friends from Friar's Brew will be stationed at Gubbio (our canteen at Level 1) to give out up to 50 cups of complimentary caffe latte (take-away only) plus cookies on the above-mentioned weekend dates and times during the collection of ordered items. Love offerings (also towards the Maintenance Fund) are most welcome!
Merry Beary Franciscan Christmas 2021 Catalogue
Franciscan Bear @$55
Melodou Thyme Honey (450g) @$35 [SOLD OUT]
Franciscan Bear & Melodou Thyme Honey Set @$80 [SOLD OUT]
Christmas Decor Set (contains St Mary Tealight Holder, Bamboo plate & Potpourri)
@$30 OR @2 for $50Beary Fruity Holiday Jam Set @$30 [SOLD OUT]
Catholic200SG Commemorative Book (“From Outpost to Church”, Hardcover) @$25 [SOLD OUT]
“From the Start” by Mystic Font Autographed Music CD @$50
“Christmas with the Pickles” Book @$15 (Buy 5 books get 1 free!)
Broccoli Microgreens Growing Kit @$12 OR 2 for $20 [SOLD OUT]
Items for #10 & #11 wil be sold in Gubbio on 11&12, 18&19 Dec. (while stocks last)
These are NOT available for order using the order form.Artisan Handcrafted Ceramic Bells @$35 (small) / $55 (large)
Miscellaneous Christmas Stocking Fillers from $5
#1 Franciscan Bear @ $55
Cute Plush Bear in Franciscan Habit [LIMITED EDITION]
The friar bear is clothed in a dark brown habit, complete with a capuche (hood) and a 3-knotted white cord representing the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. This soft and cuddly teddy bear makes an ideal Christmas gift for your loved ones!
(Height: 20cm, seated)
#2 Melodou Thyme Honey (450g) @ $35
100% Pure, Raw & Natural Cypriot Honey, Cold-extracted from Hive to Jar
Excellent quality honey with a distinct amber colour, taste, and unique aroma originating from selected thyme-covered areas of the Cyprus countryside. The large proportion of thyme it contains makes it highly aromatic with unique features. Consuming Thyme Honey is believed to have health benefits such as preventing and suppressing respiratory infections, cough, mouth and gum-related problems, acne and other skin-related discomforts.
#3 Franciscan Bear + Melodou Thyme Honey Gift Set @ $80
Bears and Honey… simply a match made in heaven!
Enjoy our pairing of the delectable plush Friar Bear in Franciscan Habit & delicious Thyme Honey from the mediterranean island of Cyprus - brought to you by our Friars!
This lovely gift set makes a precious Christmas gift like no other, bringing blessings of health, peace and love to any household! This limited edition gift set comes to you in a custom-designed gift box to complete the “Hundred Acre Wood” look.
#4 St Mary’s Christmas Decor Set @ $30 | 2 for $50
Unique St Mary’s Tealight Holder with Scented Potpourri & Bamboo Plate
Featuring an elegantly frosted exterior glass tealight holder, with internal reflective gold foil design, and uniquely etched with the St Mary’s signature architectural church front and bell tower. This beautiful set will add a touch of class to your Christmas home decor.
Comes with extra tealights, a Wooden/Bamboo plate, coniferous cone/mistletoe ornament & a pack of Red garden “Bearies”-scented Potpourri. Watch product video HERE.
#5 Bearry Fruity Holiday Jam Set @ $30
Bluebearry Mojito + Mixed Bearry Chia Seed Jam (120 ml each)
Try these 100% home-made bearilicious fruity jam set. They make the perfect combination of a sweet treat for someone special, and comes packaged in a gift box.
#6 Catholic200SG Commemorative Book @ $25
“From Outpost to Church: Singapore’s Catholic Journey (1821 - 2021)”
Learn about the first missionaries who planted seeds of faith as they set up schools, soup kitchens and churches. Be moved by how our early Catholics kept the torch of faith lit these 200 years, through the desperation of the war years and passed it through the generations to build the Singapore Church we know today. Hear of how our priests and religious were called to serve and listen to how our Catholysts are being stirred to continue the mission ahead. This commemorative book is a treasure trove of memories to share our faith with generations to come.
#7 Music CDs: “From the Start” by Mystic Font
Autographed CD album @ $50 (Limited quantities!)
Physical CD album @ $35
Digital album @ $25 (Purchase online HERE)
A faith project originally produced in collaboration with Abilities Beyond Limitations & Expectations (ABLE), this is Mystic Font's debut album featuring 8 original tracks that inspire hope, peace and love in a fragile world. Come indulge and find your inspiration now! Featuring Friar Derrick Yap, OFM! More information about the people behind the songs HERE.
#8 “Christmas with the Pickles” Book @ $15*
By Melissa Joan Dragon (Hardcover, 15cm x 15cm, 80 pages)
(*Usual Retail Price: $18)
This Sale’s Special: Autographed copies | Buy 5 copies, get 1 free!
A beautifully illustrated story that brings children aged 1 to 100 back to the heart of why we celebrate Christmas. Why do I receive a present on Christmas Day when it's not my birthday? Why do we go to church on Christmas Day? Is Christmas all about presents, jingles and merry-making? Or is there something deeper, more magical to this timeless and beloved season that is waiting to be discovered? See if you can spot one of our favourite friars, Fra Rowland Yeo OFM, illustrated in this beautiful book that will be treasured for generations to come!
#9 Broccoli Microgreens Growing Kit
@$12 OR 2 for $20
Harvest your own self-grown healthy microgreens!
Microgreens are young vegetable greens that are approximately 2.5–7.5 cm tall. They have an aromatic flavour and concentrated nutrient content. The nutritional value of the broccoli microgreens is about 40 times that of the full grown vegetable! They have a much shorter growth cycle and are usually harvested 7 days after germination, once their first true leaves have emerged.
Items #10 and #11 below are NOT available for pre-order using the form. Please purchase them at Gubbio on the following dates & times, while stocks last!
11/12 Dec | 18/19 Dec
(Saturdays: 3 - 8pm | Sundays: 8am - 1pm)
#10 Artisan Handcrafted Ceramic Bells @ $35 (small) / $55 (large)
One-of-a-kind Ceramic Christmas Bells
Limited quantities (No pre-order. Purchase at Gubbio.)
Lovingly handcrafted in various festive colours, they make unique indoor or outdoor decor pieces! Hang them off your wall, by your window or at your doorway and hear the magical and unique chime each one makes.
#11 Miscellaneous Christmas Stocking Fillers from $5
(No pre-order. Purchase at Gubbio.)
Take your pick from a select range of fun and quirky gift ideas for the season.
Support St Mary’s
Church Maintenance Fund
Our beautiful church is nearing 20 years old and we have completed multiple large scale maintenance projects like upgrading the Garden of World Peace, new aircon in St Clare Hall, new lift installed, waterproofing the church roof, garden skylights and water feature in the Piazza, as well as installed new projectors in church. All these projects were completed in the last 2 years, with a few more necessary upgrading projects coming up. Thank you for your generous support!