Couple Mentor Journey (CMJ)
What does it take to “love” and “honour” someone “in good times and in bad … all the days” of your life?
The Couple Mentor Journey (CMJ) is an initiative designed to help couples who are discerning marriage, preparing foro marriage or who are already married, dedicate time toward preparing for the real challenges of marriage, by learning from the lived experiences of their couple mentors.
The Programme
CMJ at St Mary’s offers a blended approach:
Learning via online content
Spending time reflecting on key questions and sharing your insights as a couple
Meeting with Couple Mentors (from our parish) at three key milestones during the program
The online programme gives the couple the flexibility to experience the course at their own pace and time, while the chats with the assigned Couple Mentors aim to consolidate what they have learnt, clarify any questions they might have and to hear the lived experiences of their Mentors.
The Journey
Step 1:
Review the Online Programme
Couple Discerning Marriage
https://smartloving.org/discern/Fiancé & Fiancée Preparing for Marriage
https://smartloving.org/engaged/Married Couple for Marriage Enrichment
Please contact us if you are not comfortable doing an online course but would like to journey through this programme.
Step 2: Registration
Register with CMJ St Mary’s at http://tinyurl.com/CMJSGREG
Step 3:
Meet your Mentors at Key Milestones
We will assign you a mentor couple who will journey with you as you progress through the online course.
If you are preparing for marriage, the certificate of completion will be emailed to you once you have completed the final reflection.
You will need to pay for the online programme at SmartLoving.org. No further payment is required as all our St Mary’s mentors are volunteers.
Contact Us
Contact Li-Cheng & Nicholas at cmj.stmary@catholic.org.sg should you have any questions.