Holy Week 2022
An Invitation to HOLY WEEK
Schedule of Holy Week Online Services & Reflections
With the gradual return to normalcy and increase of seating capacities in our churches, we strongly encourage everyone to return to church to attend the Holy Week services. For this year's Holy Week, we will still be broadcasting the Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday Online Masses. There will be Reflections from Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday.
SATURDAY 9 April 6pm
Palm Sunday MASS
THURSDAY 14 April 6am
Maundy Thursday REFLECTION
FRIDAY 15 April 6am
SATURDAY 16 April 6am
Holy Saturday Morning REFLECTION
SATURDAY 16 April 8pm
Holy Saturday Night REFLECTION
SUNDAY 17 April 6am
Easter Sunday MASS
Holy Week Links
Stations of the Cross (A Laudato Si’ Lent)
We recall and reflect on the steps Jesus took leading to Calvary. Through his encyclical Laudato Si', Pope Francis shows us that we are stewards of creation and that if the world cries in pain, we are as guilty as the people who crucified Christ. May this Way of the Cross open our eyes to our role as Christians in the world.
Stations of the Cross Credit: Catholic Relief Services Ricebowl
Mary’s Way of the Cross
Mary had followed her Son along the path of sorrows and remained at the foot of the cross, with her soul pierced. She kept watch, she kept vigil, in expectation, maintaining her hope in the promise of God who raises the dead. Recall her anguish & sorrow with this meditation suitable especially on Holy Saturday.
A Tapestry of Sacred Organ Music - by St Mary’s Music Ministry
The Organists of St Mary’s Music Ministry invite you to pray and reflect as they share the music appreciation of 3 pieces of organ music curated for the Lenten season.
Ep 1 - Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen (Johann Sebastian Bach)
A piece based off a popular passion chorale tune “O Sacred Head Surrounded”, which is sung usually within Holy Week and Good Friday.
Ep 2 - Récit de Tierce en Taille (Gilles Maurice Leclerc)
A reflective piece based on Luke 23:46 — “Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit”.
Ep 3 - A Royal Procession on “All Glory, Laud and Honour”
Contrasting to the previous two instalments foreshadowing the crucifixion of Jesus, this piece is a glorious mark of the start of Holy Week, as the crowds welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem.
By the Franciscan Friars
As I Have Done for You - Dan Schutte
"This is My commandment:
To love as I have loved you.
Kneel to wash each other's feet
As I have done for you."
Passion of Christ - The Friars’ Jam
Holy Week edition with Friar Derrick and Jacob Teo. As we accompany our Saviour with palms and praises to the Holy City, as He enters to meet His painful destiny, may we follow Him faithfully to the end.
Ave Verum Corpus - The Friars’ Jam
As we remember the sacrifice of Christ, may His passion and death be our strength and life. Sung by the Franciscan Friars at Greccio Friary.