Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary @ St Mary of the Angels Weekly Prayer Sessions πŸ™πŸ»

Every Wednesday at 2pm in Room B3:
Holy Rosary | Chaplet of the Precious Blood of Jesus | Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

Every 1st Wednesday will be dedicated to St Joseph:
St Joseph Rosary | Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Every Saturday at 5.20pm in the Main Church:
Rosary Devotion

All are welcome!🌻

Legion of Mary - An Invitation

Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic Organisation founded in Dublin, Ireland on 7th September 1921. The Legion is governed by a system of Councils. The smallest unit is called a Praesidium which holds weekly meetings where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussions.

The Objectives

It is the glory of God through holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation under ecclesiastical guidance, in Mary's and the Church's work of advancing the reign of Christ.

The Spirit

The Spirit of the Legion is that of Mary herself, the perfect model of the apostolic spiritual life. United in Mary's strong faith and love of God, the legion aspires to serve the Lord in all whom they meet.


Active Members are required to attend weekly meetings and perform works of service.
Auxiliary Members undertake a Service of Prayer which includes the Legion Prayers and five decades of the Rosary daily.

Legion Works

  • Home/Hospital visitation

  • Block Rosary

  • Parish Books on Wheels

  • Family Rosary Devotion in Church (Saturdays)

  • Teaching Catechism to the young & old

  • RCIA Sponsors

  • Crowd Contact

  • Work Assigned by the Parish Priest


It is open to all Catholics in good standing with a desire to serve our Lord Jesus Christ through the powerful intercession of His Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of the Apostles.

Why is it called Legion?

Because it is organized like the Roman Legion. The Army of the Roman Empire was known for its courage, loyalty, discipline, obedience and fighting spirit.

The Legion makes Saints and makes them by the Bushel

If we want to become good at something, we have to practise it every week. The same is true with holiness! The legion gives us this opportunity and it provides an ideal expression of Catholic Vocation.

 Legion of Mary Praesidia

Church of St Mary Of The Angels, Singapore

We cordially invite you to observe our Praesidium Meeting

Mary of the Angels (English)

(Date of Formation - 8 Dec 1987)

Every Monday at 7:30pm
Venue: Room B1

Contact: Grace Ng
Email: gracengjl@gmail.com
Tel: 94561110

Immaculate Heart of Mary (Chinese)

(Date of Formation - 21 Jan 1988)

Every Thursday 8:00pm
Venue: Room B4

Contact: Jasmine Eu
Email: jeugh@yahoo.com.sg
Tel: 97233773

Mother of Divine Grace (Filipino)

(Date of Formation - 12 June 1992)

Every Sunday 9:00am
Venue: Room B1

Contact: Charles Bernard Malingin
Email: charlesbernardmalingin@gmail.com
Tel: 92369518

Mother of Christ (Filipino)

(Date of Formation - 18 June 2017)

Every Sunday 9:00am
Venue: Room B1

Contact: Arman
Email: armanf.ardiente@yahoo.com
Tel: 97679102

Seat of Wisdom (Indonesian)

(Date of Formation - 30 Oct 2005 @ St Bernadette
Moved to St Mary in 2007)

Every Sunday 3:00pm (except 4th Sunday @ 3:45pm)
Venue: Room 4

Contact: Aron Sebastian
Email: Aronsebastian@gmail.com
Tel: 91015486