Music Ministry
Join us in celebrating the joy of Easter with song! 🌟
The Children Choir is gearing up again for this year's Easter Sunday Children’s Mass on 20 April, and we’re inviting all children and youth aged 7 to 15 to be part of this wonderful tradition. 🎄✨
Choir Practice Details:
🎤 First Practice: Sunday, 9 March 2025
🕛 Time: 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
🔄 Weekly Practice: Every Sunday at the same time until Easter Sunday (5 sessions total)
Let’s make this Easter unforgettable with beautiful voices lifted in harmony! Interested? Click below:
“The musical tradition of the Universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value…As sacred song united to the words, it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy.” Sacrosanctum Concilium, #112
“Liturgical worship is given a more noble form when the divine offices are celebrated solemnly in song, with the assistance of sacred ministers and the active participation of the people.”—Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Second Vatican Council
Music Liturgy
Music is an integral part of Catholic worship and liturgy. Meaningful music for worship, that everyone can participate in, is vital to experiencing life-giving, faith-building and unifying celebrations.
The goal and purpose of the Music Ministry is to enhance the experience of worship by heightening the Word of God with music and to provide beauty to the liturgy through music. Choirs and Instrumentalists minister to the assembly by providing music which allows and encourages spiritual reflection.
The Music Ministry is open to all parishioners who have the desire to sing and worship the Lord. Our choirs help enhance the celebration of the Mass through music, singing, and praise. Music is a form of prayer, and our ministry leads, sustains, and enriches the singing of the assembly to help raise its heart to God through song.
If you play a musical instrument and would like to use your talent for the Lord, the Music Ministry provides an avenue through which individuals may share their gifts and be an integral part of the worship. Our musicians seek to lead the entire congregation in praising God, through the use of well-loved traditional and newer hymns, and a diverse repertoire of historical and modern music embracing a wide variety of traditions. Cantors, psalmists and commentators are selected from the choirs and will have additional training for their roles.
Who should be in the music ministry? Those with musical gifts, who love to sing and make music with others and can commit to attend weekly practices and Mass. Choral experience is helpful but is not a pre-requisite. For instrumentalists, a level of proficiency is required especially since this is live.
English Mass Choir Groups
4pm Saturday Choir: St Clare's Choir
God speaks to us in various ways, and for the choristers and musicians in our St Clare’s Choir, His calling is for us to lead our congregation in praise and worship through song and music. Our mission is to sing with one voice (though not always possible!). And as one choir, we aim to be instruments of God to touch the hearts and souls of our parishioners (including our RCIA catechumens) and to proclaim His holy word at each mass celebration.
Our choir has been around for over 20 years and are made up of a diversity of individuals from all walks of life - from students to working adults to retirees. We come together as one voice at practice and at mass every weekend. Over the years, we have grown closer almost like a family, witnessing birth, marriage, and death.
Have you been hearing music and feeling the tug in your heart? It might be God’s calling for you to stand up and come forward to share your talents with your congregation.
Contact Person: Winston Chua 96281023 (Email: sgasiankid@gmail.com)
6pm Saturday Choir: The Cherubim Choir
The Cherubim Choir serves the Saturday 6pm mass and practices at 4pm in Room 12.
All are welcome to join us in praising the Lord! Come serve the Lord with Gladness!
Contact person: Chris Pereira 82562958
9am Sunday Choir
The 9am Sunday Choir was one of the original choirs in St Mary of the Angels. Since then the choir has evolved and now has members who are from 8 to 85 years old. Pre-Covid, after mass, we would rehearse for the following week and for other feast days. Before each rehearsal we also spend time breaking the word using the Gospel of the mass for that weekend. Besides singing for masses, weddings and funerals, we would also meet a few times a year for socials and fellowship with each other. These days we support the online masses by recording a hymn for the Virtual Choir and we keep in touch via social media. We look forward to being able to sing again as a choir and to lead the congregation in full, active, conscious participation.
Contact Person: Charles Chan (Email: charles.chan.sg@gmail.com)
11am Sunday Choir: Te Deum Laudamus Choir
Te Deum Laudamus in Latin, means 'Thee, O God, we praise’, and this is what we strive to do.
We are a vibrant group of choristers and musicians who serve at the Sunday 11am Mass, seeking to unite the community in Prayer at Mass.
Since our formation, the choir has grown, not just as a liturgical ministry, but as a community of disciples ever seeking to discover the mysteries of Christ in music through fellowship, spiritual formation and musicality training. In our years we have also challenged ourselves by attending various workshops and participating in concerts held by the composers of our beloved hymns that we sing at mass. The pandemic didn't stop us either, as our hearts continued to pour out praise in the various virtual choirs that were produced for the online masses.
Rehearsals are held every Sunday at 9.45am before Mass, with additional rehearsals before special feasts (e.g. Christmas, Easter, etc.). You don't have to have an extensive background in music, we just want your open hearts and minds (and a working throat) and it is with hope that whoever join us will find themselves at home and ready to build up the church together.
If you're looking to use your talents and gifts to stir hearts in a dynamic church, join us!
Contact Person: Joshua 94598915 (Email: tdl.smota@gmail.com)
1pm Sunday Choir: The Heralds Choir
The 1pm Sunday Choir started from a community from Legion of Mary back in 1990. We have a vision to be the Heralds of God’s Good News through our singing and music-making, to help the congregation to delve further into their faith journey. We continue striving for choral excellence to glorify His name.
Our scheduled practices for mass are on every Sunday at 11:30am where we rehearse the week’s music. After mass, we usually partake in fellowship over a hearty lunch (and sometimes, drinks!). We participate in church social outreaches, special masses such as Easter, and Tagalog masses such as Simbang Gabi, which usually would be rehearsed in afternoon sessions after lunch. We were also privileged to have sung as part of a concert choir with various OCP composers such as Dan Schutte, Christopher Walker, Fr. Ricky Manalo CSP, and Janet Sullivan Whitaker.
Although the choir is known to be mostly a collective of active Filipino members in St Mary’s Filipino Community, we do celebrate a diversity of races. All are welcome to join us in singing praise and making music together.
Contact Persons: Arman F Ardiente 97679102 and Zachary Wong 81027710
5pm Sunday Choir: 5th Canticle Choir
It was said that he who sings, prays twice. This quote is widely attributed to St. Augustine. Music has always been an integral part of the Catholic Church, for music is a form of prayer.
The 5th Canticle Choir (5CC) desires to serve our parish community with our talents (singers, musicians. conductors) and for the greater glory of God (Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriem). We hope our service touches the hearts and minds of the congregation and we give thanks to God for allowing us to be His instruments and sowers of His love and message.
We gather for weekly practice at 3.15 p.m. every Sunday before the 5 p.m. Mass. We welcome anyone who is interested to join us.
Let us make a joyful noise for the Lord!
Contact Persons: Roland Koh 94898262 and Susanna Chau 97876894 or email to 5cc.smota@gmail.com
7pm Sunday Choir
All are welcome - conductors, musicians, choristers!
Formed in February 2011, our choir serves the last Sunday English Mass in Church of St Mary of the Angels (and arguably in Singapore)!
With a collective desire to be of service to our parish community, fellowship, and a love for music; we aim to lead the congregation to participate confidently and spiritedly in our liturgical celebrations. Through our music we hope to continue giving voice to the emotions that lie at the heart of the Church community.
Our practices are held every Sunday at 5.15pm before Mass. In addition to weekly masses and in partnership with the wider music ministry, we also participate in combined feast day choirs and other musical events.
If you share our love for music and the desire to be of service, come join us!
Contact Persons: Enrica Sham 93675752 and Hazel Chew 97322977
Praising God Together Virtually
During the Circuit Breaker of 2020, we moved all our liturgical experience online with the Music Ministry (and Lectors) making the transformation from in church to online worship. The choirs came together to form the Music Ministry and continued to sing through virtual choirs. The result: we have the largest collection of virtual choir and song collections in Singapore!
Watch how the numerous members of the Music Ministry found ways to connect and to praise the Lord from their hearts and their homes, some even from as far as Germany.