Our Response to the Nativity
Journeying from Hope to Joy
As we gather round and gaze upon the gift of the Nativity crib at our piazza - and indeed it is a gift from generous donors to our Franciscan parish - we contemplate also the gift of St Francis & his crib at Greccio, and the greatest gift of God: Jesus, His Son.
On Wednesday 20 December, we held the Christmas Lucernarium, or Service of Light, and blessing of the crib. It was 800 years ago that St Francis of Assisi, wanting to bring Bethlehem to Greccio, created the first nativity crib. A plenary indulgence has been granted to all Franciscan churches for this occasion. We also come together to pray the Franciscan Crown for the intentions of the victims of the war at the Holy Land. (See below for links to respond by supporting those in need at the Holy Land. )
Remember last Christmas, we made an appeal to the parish community to bring Hope for Baby Shamel and his family? The community responded and today, we share the gift of Joy with the family as Shamel takes his steps, literally, to recovery. Thank you very much for opening your hearts and giving hope to to a family in their darkest moments of hopelessness & despair.
This Christmas, while we celebrate and enjoy the festivities the season brings, we ask that you consider the Child and the lowly estate he comes into, and appeal to your generosity in our collaboration with Canossaville to improve the lives of the children and their families they support. More information below.
How You Can Respond
In sharing our joy of the gifts that we have received, and in love of God and neighbour, let us open our hearts to those who need your help and hope this Christmas. Let this Christmas be one that you make a difference!
Supporting Canossaville Children and Community Services
This campaign is now closed. Over $57,000 was received over 10 days from 20 to 30 Dec 2023.
Thank you for your generous support!
Canossaville Children and Community Services (Canossaville) runs programmes cater to both mainstream students, as well as those with hearing loss, giving priority to the poorest living in the lower income neighbourhoods. Your donations will help these children benefit from the support and care provided through Canossaville. To learn more & contribute, click below:
(NOTE: To donate directly to Canossaville, please visit their website.)
Click here to watch Sr Theresa Seow’s message.
Together with the Franciscans, Canossaville celebrates the 8th Centenary of Christmas at Greccio, where St Francis gifted us with the tradition of setting up the Christmas Nativity Scene.
As we rejoice in the spirit of Nativity in response to the gift of God himself for our salvation, we invite you to consider the Child and the Lowly estate He comes, and collaborate with us - to lift up the Child and his/ her estate.
Canossaville’s mission is to nurture each child in her/his own way by forming hearts, enlightening minds and empowering spirits. One of our programmes to enable this mission is the Canossian Circle of Care which is an ecosystem of care across the Canossian Village that puts the child and the family at the heart of our care. Canossa Catholic Primary School, Canossian School (Hearing Loss), Canossa Convent and Canossaville work in partnership to provide a coordinated continuum of care before, during, after, and beyond the classroom.
Your donation will ensure that we can continue to provide essential programmes and serve children and families in our community. No amount of donation is too small because every dollar can have a massive ripple effect that makes an immediate impact on the lives of the children and families we serve.
Thank you and God bless!
Supporting the victims of war in the Holy Land
Pro Terra Sancta
Associazione Pro Terra Sancta has been carrying out numerous projects to assist the weakest sections of the population in Israel and Palestine. In Gaza they carry out assistance activities to the most fragile and needy victims of this situation.
Humanitarian Aid via Charis
Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives, Singapore (CHARIS), is currently having a campaign to raise funds to provide aid to those who are affected in the Holy Land and those impacted by the conflict. The campaign has been extended to 31 December and has achieved less than 70% of its target amount of $500K.
Christmas Lucernarium
More than ever, the Holy Land needs our prayers and support. In words of Pope Francis: "And as we contemplate Jesus -- God made man, small, poor, defenseless -- we cannot but think of the tragedy that the inhabitants of the Holy Land are living… they are the ones who pay the true price of war." (Catholic News Service)
The Nativity Scene - “A Living Gospel”
Do take time to read our Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter, Admirabile Signum, and reflect on the meaning of the Nativity scene and why it is such an important image for our troubled times.
Plenary Indulgence: 800 years of Greccio
On the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the “Nativity scene of Greccio”, the Apostolic Penitentiary granted a plenary indulgence to all the faithful who, from 8 December 2023 (Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary) to 2 February 2024 (Presentation of the Lord), visit a Nativity scene in a church entrusted to the Franciscan friars all over the world.
It is the total reparation of all damage due to the sins that have been committed.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) removes the eternal punishment that our sins merit. But while forgiven, the wounds and effects of our sins remain and block the full action of the Holy Spirit within us.
1. Visit and pray before the nativity scene set up in a Franciscan Parish. For St Mary’s, the crib is set up at the piazza outside the main church.
2. Receive the Eucharist on the day the indulgence is sought.
3. Make a sacramental confession 20 days before or after the indulgence is sought.
4. Pray for the Holy Father's intentions for the month (Pray 1 Our Father & 1 Hail Mary).
5. Detach completely from any affection for sin, even venial sin.
For oneself or any deceased person.
Once per day.