Neighbourhood Christian Communities (NCC)
Let us listen to the Word of God,
“Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptise them, in the name of The Father,
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” - Matthew 28: 19
He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbours as yourself.” - Luke 10:27
Every Catholic, living in the same neighbourhood is in fact in communion with each other, whether they belong to a Neighbourhood Christian Community (NCC) or not. By our faith and mission, there is a strong connection for Catholic neighbours to journey together, forming communities of love and developing our spiritual lives as one united people.
NCC groups are microcosm of the Church, and they are Christ centred communities, that are approved and encouraged by the universal Catholic Church.
We warmly invite all Catholics to get connected with your Catholic neighbours today! So, sisters and brothers in Christ, let us take the Word of God to our neighbourhood, and spread the goodness of God to each other and then to others. For more information, kindly contact Philip Chuah at 98338142 or email fss.stmary@catholic.org.sg
Register your interest and we’ll link you up in your subzones.
Join or form a small Christian community
There are currently 16 active NCC groups affiliated with parish of St Mary of the Angels. Many communities have their meetings online and a handful meet physically in small groups at various homes when the situation allows during this pandemic. The typical size of a community may be from 6 to 15 members, and they may meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on what is most comfortable for each group.
Christ-centred Communities
Neighbourhood Christian Communities or NCCs are Christ-centred communities, approved and encouraged by the universal Catholic Church. Each group consists of a small number of Catholic neighbours, coming together to support and lead each other to grow in their lives and faith journey, through personal sharing and testimonials. The ultimate purpose of the small community is to live out the gospel in their daily lives in the community, and evangelise to others in their social outreach mission in their neighbourhood.
An Emphasis on Catholic community living
In Catholic teaching, community is indispensable for Christian discipleship. This emphasis on community is evident in the teaching of our Lord that the love of God and the love of neighbour are closely connected:
“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself”. - Matthew 22:36-40
Faith is to be lived through community life. The Second Vatican Council echoes this emphasis in the Constitution on the Church.
Catholic News article on NCCs: https://catholicnews.sg/neighbourhood-christian-communities-nccs/
What happens during NCC meetings?
Each community focuses on the Four tenets of the New Evangelisation:
Word + Worship + Communion + Witness (https://one.org.sg/)
A video on Communion by O.N.E.
NCC communities consist of members who have a common union in Christ and are also united with their fellow sisters and brothers in Christ. Through the different gifts, different charisms, different background, at different stages of faith journey and with different personalities, members enrich the spiritual growth of their community. They engage with an understanding that NCC community life is important because Jesus prayed for this:
“I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have send me.” - John 17: 20-21
Each community discerns and reflects what is best for all their members, because all members should be allowed to grow together according to the strengths that they have in their community. For NCCs affiliated with St Mary of the Angels, members meet for Gospel sharing, Prayers, Worship, Fellowship and to discuss their Outreach missions.
Gospel sharing methods - Communities can use either the 7 Steps method adapted by the AsIPA editorial team or The Lectio Divina meditative method as suggested in CCC 2708. Communities can try both methods before adopting one.
Facilitators - A facilitator is appointed to lead each session or members can take turns. Training will be provided by experienced members of the NCC community. Every member would have a chance to grow by sharing and learning from each other’s faith journey and prayer life.
Prayers - Meditative form of prayers like the rosary, 9-day Novena, Divine Mercy and other types of devotions may also be included.
Retreats - NCC communities who want to further strengthen their relationship with God may organise a retreat or day of recollection. Or members can increase their understanding by attending courses, trainings, workshops that are available from the parish & archdiocese together.
Social Outreach - Being affiliated to St Mary of the Angels parish, NCC communities may lend their support in the parish-led programmes and activities, and make time and effort for social outreach in their neighbourhood and witness to others at the same time. For example, carolling at nearby nursing homes; visiting and attending to the needs of elderly who are living alone; helping the less fortunate or the poor living in their neighbourhood; supporting St Vincent de Paul in caring for their beneficiaries and giving regular donations.
Developing bonds - Through regular fellowship at meetings and gatherings during Easter, Christmas or special occasions, members and their families develop a bonding with one another. Close relationships are developed, which enable the sharing of one’s ups and downs, supporting and leading each other, with Christ at the centre of their relationship.
For more information, kindly contact Philip Chuah at 98338142 or email fss.stmary@catholic.org.sg