April 2022

Alleluia! The Lord is Risen!

Easter Outreach - Pastoral Visit

It was with great joy that we were able to collaborate with various ministries for another round of home visits during Easter Sunday and Divine Mercy Sunday. Our Pastoral Care workers and our youth from the Young People's Community (YPC) visited more than 25 families to bring Holy Communion to those who were not able to be at Church for Mass.

“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them out ahead of him, in pairs, to all the towns and places he himself was to visit.” – Luke 10:1

Often, we may think that we are “doing them a favour or serving them”, but we realise after the vist that we are the ones being blessed instead.

Amanda from YPC shared:

“I was very touched by the elderly's gentle and humble yearning for God. During the visits, the Home Communion Minister shared messages and words of truth with the beneficiaries in Mandarin and Hokkien. They listened intently, gently nodding their heads as their lips pressed together forming a smile that that expressed their comfort and sense of assurance. It was truly a humbling experience, recognising that there is no obstacle that the Lord cannot overcome - despite language barriers. I was initially concerned that it would be difficult for them to understand the Good News, but with God's Love, He will somehow make it understood even when I (or others) do not understand. I am truly thankful and humbled to have experienced this!”

Indeed, all of us are called by God in a special way to serve and to receive. If we allow ourselves to be an instrument of God, He will bless us abundantly in ways we cannot imagine. 

If you or your family member would like one of our Communion Ministers to bring Holy Communion to your residence, please fill up the form and someone will contact you very shortly: www.tinyurl.com/PastoralReg2022

Angelic Inn

In the last two years of the pandemic, we would have heard stories of our healthcare and migrant workers who have not seen their families for a very long time. Angelic Inn (天使驿站) is St Mary's Outreach ministry catering to the needs of our Chinese migrant workers.

Three weeks ago, I finally got to meet some of them. During dinner, I was surprised when they made the sign of the cross and bowed their heads in silence as we said grace before meals. At that instance, we spoke the common language of Christ: the sign of the cross. Even though most of them are not baptised, their religious conviction and faith were evident through their actions. 

We rejoice as one of them shared this testimony in experiencing the joy of the Risen Lord:

During this year's Chinese New Year, the father of one of our migrant workers became seriously ill and had to be hospitalised. His family members urged him to return home but unfortunately, due to the severe epidemic situation in China, some borders were closed and air tickets cost as much as RMB10,000-16,000 (S$2,000-$3,200). His journey back home seemed almost impossible. The situation felt hopeless, and it was a very anxious and trying time for him and his family.

Since then, our volunteers have been helping him with the paperwork required for his return to China. Advice was sought from the Chinese Embassy, Singapore Ministry of Manpower, as well as HOME (Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics). However, despite all the efforts made, he was still unable to return to China. He had no choice but to stay on to work and wait patiently for the borders to open up. But he never gave up hope and everyone kept praying for a miracle.

And a miracle did happen! On 25 April, the day after our dinner together, he received an SMS informing him that a car would be ready to pick him up from the isolation dormitory at 8am the next day, in preparation for his return to China! This was truly a bright light at the end of the tunnel for him and he immediately gave thanks to our Almighty God, and promised to continue his faith journey in a nearby church in his hometown. He also thanked everyone who had helped and prayed for him.

Christ is risen! Alleluia!

Individuals from the Chinese migrant community, working and/or living in Singapore, who require social and/or economic support may request assistance by emailing to outreach.stmary@catholic.org.sg.


在这两年里,我们会听到医护人员过度劳累和客工很长时间没有见到家人的故事。在我们的堂区,我们有一个组织,天使驿站Angelic Inn,为我们在建筑业的中国客工提供服务。

3周前,我终于和部分的客工朋友们一起吃晚餐- 这是天使驿站在时隔26个月的第一次又能面对面的一起吃饭!最初,我是冲满自信地去,自认我的中文不差,应该可以轻松让我无阻地沟通。没想到我却听不懂他们的家乡语音,什至难以理解他们的笑话!然而当我们在作饭前祷时,客工朋友们全都自然地、安静地低下头划十字圣号,就在这一刻,我们有了共同的言语:是十字圣号、是基督的语言!这真让我感到欣慰-尤其是后来我发现,他们多是没有受洗,但从他们的表达,很明显地让人感受到他们对基督的信賴和诚心。


这是我们的一位中国客工兄弟,他那远在国内的父亲在今年新春期间病重住院,家人也一直催促着他回家。但因疫情,中国大部分边境都不开放,机票也十分昂贵(一张机票需要2000到3200新元,或人民币¥1万 - ¥1万6千),这就令雇主却步;而项业方面因为人手短缺,也很希望他能留下继续工作。就在这么多的折腾下,这位客工兄弟的回家之路变成非常坎坷,困难重重,他的家人也十分着急和痛心。

从2月初, 这位兄弟就和我们的堂区组织“天使驿站”商量,也找了中国大使馆、新加坡人力局和情义之家等机构,帮忙办理回国的各种手续;而我们的教友也一直都在为他祈祷。


4月25日晚9点半左右, 也就是我和他们共用晚餐的第二天,这位兄弟接到通知,告知他在明早八点将有车子前来接他到隔离宿舍,要他准备回家!




来自中国的客工、如果你需要社会和/或经济支持,可发送电子邮件至 outreach.stmary@catholic.org.sg.


July 2022


March 2022