July 2022
We have crossed the half-year mark and some regularity is finally back in place. Many are back at their workplaces, business trips are being scheduled and families have gone for trips over the recent June school holidays. In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus relates the familiar story of the Good Samaritan. Like the priest or Levite in the story, have we turned our eyes away from those in need, thinking that someone else will help? Or, like the injured man, have we taken some time off for a spiritual retreat to “bandage our own wounds and rest in an inn”?
Archdiocesan Assembly & Faith Formation
The delegates from St Mary’s for the recent Archdiocesan Assembly in June.
Earlier in June, 10 of us represented St Mary’s as delegates among the 600+ strong participants at the Archdiocesan Assembly. In the two days, we spent time before Blessed Sacrament, shared our encounters and ideas. In the broad summary findings of the Assembly, the top three concerns raised were ‘Discipleship’, ‘Formation’ and ‘Liturgy, Prayer & Spirituality’. These areas are definitely close to our hearts here in St Mary’s. We have been gearing up with formation sessions with the recently completed The Creed programme, and our Friday’s Catch talks on Laudato Si’. Do join us for the upcoming sessions in the coming months.
Our Outreach Efforts
Senior Pastoral Care Members with their coordinator Theresa Koh (far right) preparing to go out in pairs to visit 8 homebound.
Amidst the buzz of everything, we are also at high gear in our outreach efforts. Our Pastoral Care ministries are filling up their calendars with visits to the homebound. Recently, Sr Margaret led our team to our designated nursing home to bring Holy Communion to our catholic residents there.
In the past week, members of SSVP put together a program and extended the invitation to their friends to join in. The group spent the day connecting with nature and supporting local businesses with homegrown produce. The purpose was to engage everyone regardless of social status. The last time such an event was held was back in 2019. After a hiatus of two years, the event was well received, with more than 30 persons participating.
In this bulletin, we would also like to share with everyone the joy and generosity of our donors. We have these items to gift and the only condition expressed by the donors is that these blessings be given to those who struggle to make ends meet. You may reach us at this link https://tinyurl.com/AgiftToShare if you know someone who needs these items:
A wheelchair
A gift of home groceries (a packet of instant noodles and instant oatmeal, 1kg of rice and a can of mackerel) (see accompanying photo)
Adult diapers (M size only)
Here’s wishing everyone a spirit-charged second half of the year, and we look forward to seeing everyone in the coming Parish Fiesta in August!