800 years at La Verna

Feast of the Stigmata of St Francis of Assisi

17 September 2024

In this special occasion, 800 years after St Francis of Assisi received the stigmata at La Verna, here at St Mary’s, we will be commemorating the event with a special Mass for the Sick and the Elderly at 10am, where some of our brothers and sisters will receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. We pray that they may unite their pain and suffering with the wounds of Christ and St Francis, and be strengthened in faith through this sacrament.

In the foillowing video, Friar Derrick OFM gives a talk about the Stigmata of St Francis at one of St Mary’s Feast Day event, “Praying with Our Wounds”, on 1st August 2024: