Feast Day Celebrations 2023

Thursday 27 July to Wednesday 2 August 2023

This year’s Feast Day Celebrations will not only be a time to remember the great gift of God's mercy, it's also a time to come together as a parish and be a part of a project to ease the lives of those who may be struggling every time they come to our church.

Liturgical Celebrations (Main Church):

⛪ Thu 27 July, 10am to 12pm
Mass for the Sick and Elderly with Anointing, followed by a meal and fellowship at Gubbio.
Registration is required.
NOTE: NO 12.15pm Mass

⛪ Fri 28 July, 7.30pm (Timing updated)
Celebration of the Pardon of Assisi

⛪Sat 29 & Sun 30 July (All weekend Masses)
Feast Day Mass and Crowning of Our Lady
NOTE: NO Sun 7pm Mass (due to Kaki Fun Night)

Level every mountain, make the rough ways smooth. ~Isaiah 40:4

The Parish hopes to build a wheelchair accessible ramp* for those who struggle with steep steps as they enter the church from the nearby market & HDB blocks. Join in these Feast Day Fundraising Events to contribute to our Maintenance Fund, which will be used to fund this building project.

Fundraising Events

🎉 Sat 29 July, 6pm
Fundraising Dinner at Goodwood Park Hotel
$2288 per table
Gather your friends & family and come for an unforgettable night of great food, entertainment and attractive lucky draw prizes! Table bookings can be made at the Feast Day booth at the piazza after Mass.
(Update: All available tables are fully booked. Thank you for your generous support!)

🎉 Sat 30 July

Kaki Challenge (St Clare Hall @ 3pm)
Join in a friendly competition with other parishioners in our:
- Mahjong Tournament (Updated: FREE Registration) &
- Ludo Tournament ($20/entry)

Kaki Fun Night (Piazza @ 6pm)
$20 per coupon
Come for a night of fun & fellowship, makan, music and BINGO!

🎉From July 2023 onwards

Fundraising Sales: Specially designed merchandise will be on sale!

Update: 22 & 22 Jul - Please come over to our booth at the PIAZZA after our weekend Masses to purchase or pre-order the merchandise. Kaki Fun Night coupons will be available for collection and on sale as well! You can also sign up for the Kaki Challenge Table Games … available slots are running out fast, so hurry!

To learn more about our Proposal for the Ramp: stmary.sg/ramp

For more information about our Feast Day: stmary.sg/feastday


Franciscan World Youth Day Contingent


Eternal Rest - The Art of Dying Well