An Ecumenical Evening of Prayer with the Songs of Taizé

– Uniting in Prayer for the Synod of Bishops and Christian Unity

Organised by the Archdiocesan Catholic Council for Ecumenical Dialogue (ACCED)

Called for by Pope Francis, the ecumenical prayer vigil that will take place at St. Peter's Square on 30 September will see the coming together of representatives from various Christian churches. This aims to entrust to God the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The ACCED has organised this event in collaboration with the Taizé core team.

Theme: Together — Gathering of the People of God
Date: Sat 30 Sep
Time: 8pm to 9.30pm
Venue: Church of St. Teresa

All are welcome and you are strongly encouraged to bring along fellow Christians from all over Singapore for this meaningful and spiritually uplifting event to strengthen the bonds among us. No prior registration needed.

For more info, click HERE.


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Watchmen Retreat 2023