GIFT January 2023: Introducing the Catholic Hub

GIFT January 2023: Introducing the Catholic Hub

Located in the heart of Singapore and surrounded by the lushness of MacRitchie Reservoir, the future Catholic Hub will be developed in three phases and will serve the long-term needs of our Church.

As a large shared resource, the Catholic Hub ensures that organisations, parishes and other Church groups using it as a venue for activities can focus on their ministries and fuel the growth of the Church through a wider outreach. Key archdiocesan organisations will be relocated here, strengthening their existing collaborations to serve the community better, with the support of amenities such as a configurable multi-purpose hall and retreat facilities.

As one Body of Christ, let us look forward to the completion of the Catholic Hub that will provide restoration and renewal.

For more information on the Catholic Hub, please visit: or watch the video here.

To help make the Catholic Hub a reality, please make a pledge via:


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