Church Resources & Activities for Seniors

On Sunday 23 July, the church celebrated the 3rd World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Today, as we celebrate the memorial of St Joachim and St Anne, Jesus' grandparents, we would like to share the following resources offered by our archdiocese, especially for our senior parishioners:

1) CatholicSG web page for the elderly, with resources and content:

2) Catholic Family Life (CFL) web page for the elderly, listing parish/district level events and activities:

3) CatholicSG Radio: On Thu 27 July 2023 at 8.30am, there will be an interview with John Ooi on "Psychological Challenges of Retirement and Aging", which will be in audio and video formats (

As our seniors and grandparents may not be so tech savvy in accessing the internet and web, we encourage younger family members, relatives and friends to help our seniors access or inform them of these available resources and activities.

To learn more about St Mary's own ministry for our seniors and their activities, please visit


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