Holy Week at Home 2021
Your Guide through Holy Week
To participate more fully in the Liturgy in your home while viewing the online services, use this booklet as a starting point or guide to add to your existing traditions and rituals. This week we celebrate the holiest of weeks of our Church year. Enter into these days celebrating liturgy of your house church - like the early Christians. We are Easter people - join in the journey with Christ!
A Guide to Celebrating Holy Week at Home
A guide on how to celebrate Holy Week at Home with the community of the Church of St Mary of the Angels, presented by the parish friars, Friar Michael D'Cruz, Friar Gerard Victor and Friar Esmond Chua.
Schedule of Holy Week 2021 Online Services
Watch this space daily for links to all of St Mary's online services during Holy Week.
SATURDAY 27 March 6pm
Palm Sunday MASS
MONDAY 29 March – SATURDAY 3 Apr, 6am
Liturgy of the Hours
(Click the playlist icon for the daily listings)
THURSDAY 1 April 6pm
Maundy Thursday MASS
FRIDAY 2 April 10am
Good Friday SERVICE
SATURDAY 3 April 6pm
Easter Vigil SERVICE
SUNDAY 4 April 6am
Easter Sunday MASS
Holy Week Links
Stations of the Cross (by YPC)
We retrace the steps and reflect on the journey of Jesus up to Calvary. Presented by the Young People's Community in St Mary's, with opening and closing prayer by Friar Mike.
Stations of the Cross with Pope Francis
Stations of the Cross presented by the Friars of St Mary's, with the meditations and reflections written by Pope Francis when he visited Assisi after he was elected Pope.
The DOs & DON’Ts @ Confession
A 5-episode tongue-in-cheek guide on the Dos and Don'ts of making a good confession, produced by the Portiuncula Ministry, a working adults group of St Mary's.
A Tapestry of Sacred Organ Music - by St Mary’s Music Ministry
The Organists of St Mary’s Music Ministry invite you to pray and reflect as they share the music appreciation of 3 pieces of organ music curated for the Lenten season.
Ep 1 - Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen (Johann Sebastian Bach)
A piece based off a popular passion chorale tune “O Sacred Head Surrounded”, which is sung usually within Holy Week and Good Friday.
Ep 2 - Récit de Tierce en Taille (Gilles Maurice Leclerc)
A reflective piece based on Luke 23:46 — “Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit”.
Ep 3 - A Royal Procession on “All Glory, Laud and Honour”
Contrasting to the previous two instalments foreshadowing the crucifixion of Jesus, this piece is a glorious mark of the start of Holy Week, as the crowds welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem.
By the Franciscan Friars
As I Have Done for You - Dan Schutte
"This is My commandment:
To love as I have loved you.
Kneel to wash each other's feet
As I have done for you."
Passion of Christ - The Friars’ Jam
Holy Week edition with Friar Derrick and Jacob Teo. As we accompany our Saviour with palms and praises to the Holy City, as He enters to meet His painful destiny, may we follow Him faithfully to the end.
Ave Verum Corpus - The Friars’ Jam
As we remember the sacrifice of Christ, may His passion and death be our strength and life. Sung by the Franciscan Friars at Greccio Friary.
Holy Week Paraliturgy Kit Collection
For parishioners who are unable to attend Services during Holy Week, the parish team has prepared a Holy Week Paraliturgy Kit which you can use at home to pray together as a family during these sacred days of this blessed week.
Date: Wed 24 - Fri 26 Mar 2021
Time: 9.00am - 7.30pm
Location: Reception Office (Level 3, Outside Main Church)
What's inside?
QR Code - to link you to the Holy Week Booklet, to take you through this blessed week.
Blessed Palm - to place at the altar or cross to remember and welcome Christ the King into our hearts.
Pillar Candle - to be decorated and used as the Easter / Paschal candle during the Holy Saturday service.
What else do you need?
The other items that are good to have to participate more fully in the liturgy are items that you should be able to find at home, such as:
Cross or crucifix
Tea-lights or candles
Materials to decorate the pillar candle