Indonesian Community
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Indonesian Mass: Every 4th Sunday, 2pm (St Clare Hall, lift level 2)
The Indonesian community started in July 2003 to serve the Indonesian Mass at St Mary’s which was initiated by Fr John Wong, OFM to cater to the growing needs of our community in the Western part of Singapore. We are part of KKIS (Keluarga Katolik Indonesia di Singapura – Indonesian Catholics Family in Singapore), and our spiritual directors are Fr Robin Toha, OFM, and Fr Romo Sambodo, SS.CC from Blessed Sacrament Church.
Currently, the community has more than 300 parishioners, made up mostly of families who have become Singaporeans or are PRs. We have young adults who study at NUS, NTU and SIM. For working young adults, we have the Seat of Wisdom Praesidium (Takhta Kebijaksanaan Praesidium) which is the smallest group in Legio Maria, comprising currently 45 members. They also support us by praying for the sick.
To join our community or for more information, please contact Reiner Svento at 98185853.
Feast Day Bilingual Mass 2019
To celebrate St Mary’s Feast Day 2019 on 28th July 2019, we served at our first bilingual (Bahasa Indonesia & English) Mass with Fr Esmond as the main celebrant. The Mass had two combined choirs, 5th Canticle and SWASMOTA, conducted by Roland Koh, where we sang two beautiful hymns composed by Fr Ricky Manalo CSP (Ang Katawan Ni Kristo) and Dan Schutte (O How Blessed). Both composers allowed us to translate the respective hymns into Bahasa Indonesia for this special occasion (Robertus Wahendro and Elizabeth Sulistio helped with the translation).