Synod 2021 - 2023
St Mary's Synod Anthem - Journey Together
Catholics all over the world are invited to journey together in a way that allows the whole Church to listen to each other’s faith experiences, joys, and challenges. It also calls on us to share and listen to what God's will might be for the Church moving forward.
St Mary's Synod Anthem ‘Journey Together' is the resonance of every Catholic, joining hands, relishing the diversity of language, culture, region, and becoming ONE under the Glory of our God. Involving various communities, as well as the Deaf community, and sung in 8 languages - English, Mandarin, Tamil, Sinhala, Tagalog, Malayalam, Bahasa Indonesia, German - all coming together as a community to participate in this song.
Let's Journey Together and prepare our Church for Generations to come.
The Synodal Process invites Catholics all over the world to journey together in a way that allows the whole Church to listen to each other’s faith experiences, joys and challenges. It calls on us to pray and reflect, then share and listen to what God's Will might be for the Church going forward. Watch this video produced by St Mary’s Synodal Team for an overview of what the Synod is all about and how the Synodal process is going to be carried out.
NOTE: The local data collection phase of the Synodal process has now ended and the archdiocese will be holding the Singapore Archdiocesan Assembly on June 10 - 11.
Click to learn more about the Archdiocesan Assembly:
Take Part Now ✍️ (Closed)
Share how your journey of faith has shaped you and your ideas for our Church. Use this simplified form to help you. The St Mary’s Synod team will collate and submit on your behalf:
On 17 Oct, following the call of Pope Francis, the Archdiocese of Singapore began the diocesan phase with a theme: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation & Mission.
The Archdiocese of Singapore will participate in this largest consultative exercise in the history of the Church and begin a series of processes to listen to the people of God in Singapore.
The Archdiocesan-wide briefing was held on Wednesday, 3 November 2021. A group of volunteers represented the parish of St. Mary's from across the various representation of church ministries.
We would like to invite everyone to participate as we journey together in this synodal process actively.
St Mary’s Synodal Team Representatives
Please contact the following parish synodal representatives if you need more information:
Dayantha (Sinhala Community) - dayanthaa@gmail.com
Helen Tan (Hospitality & Community Office) - helentan71@gmail.com
Ranjith (Tamil Community) - ranjitlogin@gmail.com
Zarex (Safety Ambassadors, Filipino Community) - zarex_robas@prncnt.com
Maria Ho (Pastoral Care - maria.carolyn.ho@gmail.com
Links & Information
Pastoral Letter from the President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Bruinei (CBCMSB)
Catholic.sg: Synod information on the Archdiocese of Singapore Website
FAQs on the Synod
CatholicSG Radio: A Sharing by Fr Valerian Cheong (Podcast)
CBMCMSB Website: Links to Original documents and resources for the Synodal Process