Bible Month - July 2024
“Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” St Jerome, Doctor of the Church
The Regional Biblical Commission (RBC), under the auspices of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei, has dedicated the month of July 2024, to be “Bible Month”.
If you’ve been waiting to dust off your Bible and connect once more with the Word of God, this is the right time. St Mary’s has printed and given out to parishioners a quick guide leaflet to some of the resources you can use to get to know your Bible better. Watch the video and also download the leaflet here:
You can find the information in the leaflet below as well, plus a whole lot of other resources to fire up your Bible adventure today!
Recommended Resources:
The Bible in a Year (with Fr Mike Schmitz)
With the Ascension app or podcast, Fr Mike Schmitz guides you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes. You’ll finally understand salvation history and how all the pieces fit together to tell an amazing story that continues in your life today!
FORMED: The Catholic Faith. On Demand.
Led by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press, and in collaboration with over 100 content providers, FORMED brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals. There is something for everyone: award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly kids' programming. St Mary’s is subscribed to FORMED, sign up for FREE:
Visit signup.formed.org
Enter St Mary of the Angels and select it from the pull-down menu.
Visit formed.org or Download the FORMED app after creating your account.
Archdiocesan Biblical Apostolate
The Archdiocesan Biblical Apostolate, Bible Apostolate Teams, and parishes have worked hard to prepare a lineup of Bible talks, courses, and study. We invite you to sign up IMMEDIATELY and take the first step towards getting closer to the Word of God.
Courses and Talks for Bible Month:
Other Resources & Avenues:
Little Rock Bible Ministry
In-depth Bible study programmes
Sign up for courses on the bible or teachings of the Church carefully curated and organised by the Little Rock Bible Ministry in St Mary's. Come join our community as we strive to become intentional disciples through study of the Word.
Learn more about the Catholic Faith
Unravel the mysteries of the Word of God and learn about the Catholic faith through a year long journey with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Children’s Liturgy
Inspire Children through the Word of God
The Children's Liturgy programme caters to 7-8 year old children and introduces them to the Liturgy of the Word and the Mass. Come join us to explore how we share the passion of listening to the Word of God!
Daily Liturgy of the Word
Breaking the Word with bite-sized reflections
Listen to our Liturgy of the Word broadcast daily on weekdays where our Franciscan Friars reflect on the readings of the day.
Resources from Vatican’s Dicastery for Evangelisation
The Vatican's Dicastery for Evangelization has also made available a Liturgical-Pastoral Resource which offers content and ideas to encourage a deeper encounter with the Word of God in community, the family, in daily life, and also includes articles, meditations, texts for Adoration, activities for children and pastoral suggestions.