Get Movin’ with St Mary’s!
Announcing Our Contest Winners!
This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for!
Thank you for your enthusiasm and active participation in this event, and we hope you had loads of fun! We have received so many photo submissions that the parish friars have decided to give away additional prizes for each category! Watch the following video for the drawing and selection of winning entries by our parish friars.
To all who participated, well done! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR WINNERS!
Catholic News Feature
"Get Movin' with St Mary's" was featured in the latest edition of the Catholic News!
CLICK HERE to read the article and hear from some of our participants who shared their "moving" experiences!
Our Prizes
These are the prizes for the winners from the various contest categories:
A pair of Catholic200SG Festival Tickets
St Anthony miniature figurine set
Handmade Friar Doll (with Catholic200SG feature) handsewn by St Francis SignLight Community!
Most Creative Entry Winners
Winning entry by Isaac Francis s/o Benert
A pair of Catholic200SG Festival Tickets + St Anthony figurine set
3 Consolation Prizes: St Anthony figurine set (1 set each)
Consolation Prize: Thrina Tham
Consolation Prize: Juliana Kiu Oi Nah
Consolation Prize: Josephine Seraphina Zheng
Best Dressed Entry Winners
Winning entry by Ken Ng
A pair of Catholic200SG Festival Tickets + St Anthony figurine set
Consolation prize: Arul Johanna
St Anthony figurine set
Most Creative Entry with Pet Winners
Winning entry by Christopher Ivan Tjahjadi
A pair of Catholic200SG Festival Tickets + St Anthony figurine set
Consolation prize: Grace Chen
St Anthony figurine set
Completed-All-5-Routes Winners
4 Lucky Draw Prizes: A Handmade Friar Doll (with Catholic200SG feature) each
Here are the 4 lucky winners who have completed (and submitted photos of) all 5 routes in our event:
Ezekiel Francis s/o Benert
Liling Tan
Calvin Wee
Amelia Ko Yoke Har
Quick links to our Get Movin’ Event
Visit the event padlet storywall at https://padlet.com/stmarysg/getmoving to view more photos shared by participants.